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835 Results Found

Date and time: 2023-04-11 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: April 11, 2023Date and time: 2023-04-11 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: April 11, 2023AgendaLowell City Council Meeting Apr 11, 2023, 6:00PM Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone....

Date and time: 2023-03-15 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: March 14, 2023Date and time: 2023-03-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: March 14, 2023Date and time: 2023-03-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: March 14, 2023AgendaLowell March City Council Meeting Mar 14, 2023, 6:00 Please join my meeting...

Date and time: 2023-02-14 11:45 amLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City CouncilDate and time: 2023-02-14 11:45 amLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: February 14, 2023Date and time: 2023-02-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: February 14, 2023Date and time: 2023-02-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: February 14, 2023AgendaFebruary 14 2023...

Date and time: 2023-01-03 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: January 6, 2023Date and time: 2023-01-03 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: January 3, 2023Date and time: 2023-01-03 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: January 3, 2023

Date and time: 2023-01-10 03:31 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: January 10, 2023Date and time: 2023-01-10 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: January 10, 2023Date and time: 2023-01-10 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: January 10, 2023Date and time: 2023-01-10 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: January...

Permit Process Pay $25 using either our online form below. Payments can also be made at City Hall. Call Police Department (704-824-8540) to make an appointment for a cart inspection Provide Police Department the $25 paid receipt and a current insurance policy covering the cart at time of inspection Police will issue you a cart...

Residents that have a large amount of debris can request the use of the City’s loaner dump truck. Fees due apply.

Free Automatic Bill Pay The City of Lowell offers a free automatic bill payment option where the amount of your monthly water/sewer bill is automatically debited from your checking account. Customers will continue to receive an account statement by mail; however your amount paid will show as "Bank Draft - Do Not Pay." The payment...

The City of Lowell Thanksgiving Lunch is held the Thursday before Thanksgiving each year. Registration Senior Lunch registration opens 1 month prior to the event.

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-11-01 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Stormwater Commission Meeting: November 1, 2022Date and time: 2022-11-01 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Stormwater Commission Meeting: November 1, 2022Date and time: 2022-11-01 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Stormwater Commission Meeting: November 1, 2022 (Immediately following Planning Board meeting)Date and time: 2022-11-01 06:00...

Help us clean up the banks of the Southfork River! This event is held annually in fall of each year. Riversweep The City of Lowell Riversweep will collaborate with the Catawba Riverkeeper’s annual Riversweep. Together, we will clean up the banks of the beautiful Southfork River! Registration will open in mid-August. Registration will be available...

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