Date and time: 2025-10-07 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and ZoningDate and time: 2025-10-07 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and Zoning
Date and time: 2025-06-03 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and ZoningDate and time: 2025-06-03 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and Zoning
Date and time: 2025-05-06 06:00 pmLocation: Planning Board Meeting - February 4, 2025Department: Planning Board Meeting - February 4, 2025Date and time: 2025-05-06 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and Zoning
Date and time: 2025-04-01 08:45 amLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and ZoningDate and time: 2025-04-01 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and Zoning
Date and time: 2025-03-04 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and ZoningDate and time: 2025-03-04 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and Zoning
Date and time: 2025-01-27 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Lowell Community CommitteeDate and time: 2025-01-27 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Lowell Community Committee-CANCELLED
Date and time: 2025-01-31 12:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City CouncilDate and time: 2025-01-31 12:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City CouncilDate and time: 2025-01-31 12:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council
We are experiencing issues with the telephone lines. Please be patient as we work to resolve the issue. If you are having an issues calling City Hall, send an email to the City Clerk at and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate person.
Date and time: 2025-01-07 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and ZoningDate and time: 2025-01-07 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and ZoningDate and time: 2025-01-07 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning and Zoning
Date and time: 2025-12-09 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Public MeetingsAgendaYou can now watch City Council meetings live on YouTube! City of Lowell YouTube Channel:
Date and time: 2025-11-10 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Public MeetingsAgendaYou can now watch City Council meetings live on YouTube! City of Lowell YouTube Channel:
Date and time: 2025-10-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Public MeetingsAgendaYou can now watch City Council meetings live on YouTube! City of Lowell YouTube Channel: Date and time: 2025-10-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Public MeetingsAgendaYou can now watch City Council meetings live on YouTube! City of Lowell YouTube Channel: