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Public parking is available at Lowell City Hall, Bob Bolick Park, Harold Rankin Park, next to McCord Town Center, and in marked parking spaces downtown along N. Main St, W. First St, E. First St, and W. Second St.

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-09-13 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: September 13, 2022Date and time: 2022-09-13 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: September 13, 2022Date and time: 2022-09-13 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: September 13, 2022Date and time: 2022-09-13 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City...

You can contact the Gaston County Tax Collector's Office.

The Gaston County Tax Collector's Office is responsible for collecting taxes on all taxable property located in Gaston County.

Check out our troubleshooting page for low water pressure. After troubleshooting, if you are still having water pressure issues, please call City Hall at 704-824-3518, option 1.

Customers can start or terminate services in-person at City Hall or online.

Please visit our online bill pay page or call City Hall at 704-824-3518, option 1 for water bill information.

Services are disconnected on the 25th of the month. If the 25th falls on a holiday or weekend, then services are disconnected on the next business date. Disconnections start at 8:00 am and a $50 delinquent fee is added to all accounts delinquent at 8:00 am on the 25th of the month.

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-01-05 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: January 5, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-02 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: February 2, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-03-02 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: March 2, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-04-06 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: April 6, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-06-01 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: June 1, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-07-06 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: July 6, 2021

Roads inside the Lowell City limits maintained by the City of Lowell with the exception of some streets. The following streets are maintained by the North Carolina Department of Transportation: McAdenville Rd. W. First St E. First St from the Lowell Police Department to the Post Office Groves St. Lineberger Rd. Oakland Dr. N. Main...

Lowell provides free quarterly curbside collection at residential homes of items that are too large, heavy or bulky to fit in the City garbage cart for normal garbage pickup. Please keep in mind this program is intended for pick-up of customary residential items and is not intended for removal of commercial/contractor items or remnant items...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-08-03 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Planning Board Meeting: August 3, 2021

The City of Lowell runs a brush route each week for leaves, grass, and tree limbs. The brush route will run on Wednesday and Thursday of each week (depending on where your neighborhood falls in the route rotation.) Prepare your yard waste and place it on the curb by 6:30am on your pickup day. The...

Containers will be scheduled for collection on Monday thru Wednesday. Contact City Hall at 704-824-3518, option 1, for your trash collection day.\ When a holiday occurs, our schedule allows us to reschedule collection during the week to ensure service. If the holiday falls on your collection day your garbage will generally be collected on the...

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