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Date and time: Date and time: 2021-01-12 07:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: January 12, 2021Date and time: 2021-01-12 07:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: January 12, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-09 07:00 pmLocation: City Council Meeting: February 9, 2021Department: City Council Meeting: February 9, 2021Date and time: 2021-02-09 07:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: February 9, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-18 01:00 pmLocation: Gaston County Police DepartmentDepartment: City Council Special Meeting: February 18, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-03-05 09:00 amLocation: Gaston County Police DepartmentDepartment: City Council Special Meeting: March 5, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-04-13 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: April 13, 2021

While replacement times will vary, replacing a meter should take no longer than 10 minutes for residential meters, during which the water will be shut-off for a portion of that time. The installation crews will make every effort to keep the interruption to your service to a minimum. Commercial and industrial customers will be contacted...

The project is being managed by City staff.

Yes. Data transmitted from the meter through the system is encrypted through the entire process.

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-03-09 07:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: March 9, 2021

No. The radio transmission operates in compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations to avoid interference with other electronic devices.

Each radio frequency device has a unique identification number, which is transmitted along with the meter reading. The unique number is compared to your account record electronically to ensure a match.

Please, keep access to the water meter available at all times to ensure it is accessible for any potential emergency that would require the meter to be turned off. Be careful during the fall foliage season not to cover your water meter with piles of leaves.

No. Access needs to be available at all times. There will still be instances when meter technicians will visit the meter on site to perform routine maintenance or verify high readings. Obstructions to the meter box are subject to removal by City personnel.

Possibly but in most cases No. Older mechanical meters tend to lose accuracy as they age and, therefore, may not accurately measure all the water being used. The new water meter will accurately measure the water that you use. All new meters are tested prior to delivery by the manufacturer to ensure that they register...

Yes. All upgraded meters have been tested and guaranteed accurate by the manufacturer, Mueller Systems, in compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) accuracy standards. Additionally, the design of the installation process includes a testing phase, which allows a subset of the meters to be installed and the billing software to be integrated, so the...

If you have a leak, low pressure, or some other problem after the installation, or at any other time, you will be provided contact numbers that you can call to report your concern. Because your water will be turned off temporarily during the meter change process, you may experience a brief period of air or...

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-08-17 04:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Special Meeting: March 24, 2021Date and time: 2021-03-24 04:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Special Meeting: March 24, 2021

No. Since the water meters are located outside of the home in the City right-of-way, you will not need to be home for the replacement work; however, if your water meter happens to be accessed from your back yard, we can make arrangements to schedule this work if needed. A door hanger will be placed...

The City plans to develop an application for your smartphone or computer that will provide real-time data to the customer about their water usage. When this is developed, water customers will have the ability to access their daily water consumption online in one-hour increments. The City intends to do a public awareness notice and publish...

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