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Currently, the Lowell Community Center is closed for renovations but as soon as our renovations are complete, we will open the facility back up for rentals.

Yes, we offer baseball during the spring, soccer during the fall, and basketball during the winter. Check out our Athletic Programs page for more information on registration dates and other important information.

McCord Family Park is located downtown in the grass lot across from Lowell City Hall. Featuring benches picnic tables shade structure This park is a great outdoor spot for downtown visitors and local business employees to enjoy their lunch breaks and this park will serves as a programming space for small concerts, art festivals, outdoor...

About the Project The City of Lowell held a public workshop on June 20, 2022 to request feedback from the community on the current amenities as well what amenities residents would like to see in the future. An online survey about Harold Rankin Park was also posted on the City's website and publicized through social...

About the Project Harold Rankin Park is the most used recreational facility within the City of Lowell. The City owns the property and has served the community as a park since 1978. Harold Rankin Park is approximately 7 acres and features 2 baseball fields, a concessions/restrooms building, a playground, a basketball court, a picnic shelter,...

About the Project The City of Lowell partnered with the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management at NC State University to conduct a Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan and Program/Needs Assessment Study. The NC State project team has expertise in community planning and parks and recreation administration. The NC State project team engaged...

About the Project Situated at 1602 North Main Street Lowell, NC is a retired dye plant that has not been in operation since 2004. This property has been an eyesore to the community since the former dye plant shut its doors. This 17.02 acre site boasts over 850 feet of frontage along the South Fork...

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-05-06 03:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Special City Council Meeting: May 6, 2022Date and time: 2022-05-06 03:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Special City Council Meeting: May 6, 2022Date and time: 2022-05-06 03:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: Special City Council Meeting: May 6, 2022Date and time: 2022-05-06 03:00 pmLocation: Lowell...

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-06-21 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Special Meeting: June 21, 2022Date and time: 2022-06-21 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Special Meeting: June 21, 2022Date and time:

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-05-10 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: May 10, 2022Date and time: 2022-05-10 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: May 10, 2022Date and time:

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-06-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: June 14, 2022Date and time: 2022-06-14 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: June 14, 2022Date and time:

Location 519 Park Circle, Lowell, NC 28098 Amenities Baseball field T-ball field (2) Soccer fields Rental Information Athletic fields are only available to rent for team-related events. A damage deposit and certificate of liability insurance may be required. An Event Permit may be required for large events. For availability and an application, please call 704-824-3518,...

Date and time: Date and time: 2022-07-11 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: July 11, 2022Date and time: 2022-07-11 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: July 11, 2022Date and time: Date and time: 2022-07-11 06:00 pmLocation: Lowell City HallDepartment: City Council Meeting: July 11, 2022

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