Spring Tee-Ball and Baseball registration is now open for ages 3 to 12! The deadline to register is Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Tee Ball age groups 3-4 and 5-6
Coach Pitch age groups 7-8
Kid Pitch age groups 9-10 and 11-12
Please register at one of the in-person dates below or email anixon@lowellnc.com to request an application:
Saturday, February 22
10 am- 12 pm
Monday, February 24
6 pm-7 pm
Wednesday, February 26
6 pm-7 pm
Saturday, March 1
10 am-12 pm
Lowell Recreation Center | 715 North Main Street, Lowell 28098
Open registration for Co-ed Spring Soccer for ages 13-15. If interested, please call 704-315-8165 or email anixon@lowellnc.com